Woman Formally on Welfare Quits 6-Figure Corporate Career to Help Black-Owned Businesses For Free

Robin Rogers, founder of 4BEBO

Meet Robin Rogers, the founder and CEO of 4BEBO, an online directory that makes finding and supporting Black-owned businesses easy and free. Robin, who grew up with seven siblings and a single mom on welfare, says that she quit her 6-figure job working for a Fortune 500 company for almost 20 years because she wanted to do all she could to help create and sustain more Black-owned businesses.

After quitting her job, she assembled a team of Black professionals from across the country and she immediately began building the platform. Robin comments, “The pandemic made me realize that my sister’s business that she’s been running for 7 years and my best friend’s business for 20 years both had the same obstacle; They needed to reach a broader audience.” This is what inspired Robin to use her corporate skills, training, and abilities to focus on helping her own community instead of a corporation’s bottom line. She continues, “God has blessed me to understand that the best rewards come from helping others without asking for anything in return.”

4BEBO, which is an abbreviation for “4 Black Entrepreneurs and Business Owners,” is available to download for free from the Google Play store and Apple’s iOS App Store.

Business owners can download the app and register their business for free, and shoppers are also encouraged to download the app to find and support Black-owned businesses both locally and nationwide.

4BEBO, which is based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, is more than just another directory of Black-owned businesses. Via the brand’s social media pages and YouTube channel, entrepreneurs can also connect with each other for knowledge, support, and growth.

To support its efforts, please visit its merch website at 4BEBO.com.

Also, be sure to follow their Facebook page and Instagram. Business owners can also upload their advertising/promo videos to the YouTube channel @4BEBO.

About the Founder
Robin Rogers says that growing up with 7 siblings and a single mother on welfare helped her to realize that if she wanted anything in this world, she would have to work for it. Being ridiculed in school for being poor made her desire to attend less desirable. As a result of her poor attendance, it left her just shy of the credits she needed to graduate. Instead of completing the formal route, she opted to take her G.E.D. and continue to college. She was able to pay for college herself by making the Dean’s list and earning 4 scholarships with grants. However, even with those accomplishments, she was not able to sustain herself financially, so she quit college and went back to work.

She started at her first Fortune 500 company in an entry-level position. Not long afterward, upper management noticed her, and her career ascended. Now, having worked in management positions for three fortune 500 companies with a wealth of knowledge and a 6-figure income, she says that it took the pandemic to help her realize that she was succeeding while her brothers and sisters were not.

My sister had started a hair and skincare company seven years ago, and her best friend had a candle business for 20 years and they both were facing the same obstacles. That is when she decided to step away from corporate America and take her talent, training, skills, and abilities and work for her own community for free. She assembled a team of Black professionals and created 4BEBO, a network created specifically for Black entrepreneurs and business owners. The company, although based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, has affiliates in Tampa, Florida, and Dayton, Ohio.

For press inquiries, contact 4BEBOGroup@gmail.com or 984-777-7987.

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